Risk-taking and fairness among cocaine-dependent patients in dual diagnoses: Schizophrenia and Anti-Social Personality Disorder
Sabater-Grande G, Haro G, Garcia-Gallego A, Georgantzis N, Herranz-Zarzoso N, Baquero A
22 jun 2020
This study reports experimental results from a clinical sample of patients with a cocaine-related disorder and dual diagnosis: Schizophrenia and Anti-Social Personality Disorder. Both types of patients as well as a non-clinical group of students performed two incentivized decision-making tasks. In the first part of the experiment, they performed a lottery-choice task in order to elicit their degree of risk aversion. In the second part, they decided in two modified dictator games aimed at eliciting their aversion to advantageous and disadvantageous inequality. It is found that the Anti-Social Personality Disorder group exhibits no significant differences from the non-clinical sample in either task. However, compared with the students' sample, subjects from the group with schizophrenia show more risk aversion and exhibit more aversion towards disadvantageous inequality.
Sabater-Grande G:
Univ Jaume 1, LEE, Castellon de La Plana, Spain
Univ Jaume 1, Dept Econ, Castellon de La Plana, Spain
Haro G:
CEU Univ, Univ Cardenal Herrera CEU, TXP Res Grp, Valencia, Spain
Hosp Prov Castellon, Dept Mental Hlth, Castellon de La Plana, Spain
Garcia-Gallego A:
Univ Jaume 1, LEE, Castellon de La Plana, Spain
Univ Jaume 1, Dept Econ, Castellon de La Plana, Spain
Georgantzis N:
Univ Jaume 1, LEE, Castellon de La Plana, Spain
Univ Jaume 1, Dept Econ, Castellon de La Plana, Spain
Univ Bourgogne Franche Comte, Burgundy Sch Business, CEREN EA 7477, Dijon, France
Herranz-Zarzoso N:
Univ Jaume 1, LEE, Castellon de La Plana, Spain
Univ Jaume 1, Dept Econ, Castellon de La Plana, Spain
Baquero A:
CEU Univ, Univ Cardenal Herrera CEU, TXP Res Grp, Valencia, Spain
Amigo Fdn, Castellon de La Plana, Spain