Implementation of a positive psychology group program in an inpatient eating disorders service: a pilot study

Por: Enrique A, Breton-Lopez J, Molinari G, Llorca G, Botella C

Ahead of Print: 1 abr 2020
Context Eating disorders (ED) are very difficult conditions to treat. Therefore, interventions in this field are shifting their main target towards the disorder's impact in quality of life, rather than ED symptomatology in itself. In this sense, a focus in the promotion of positive emotions and well-being is emerging to ameliorate the harmful effects caused by ED. However, evidence of the potential benefits of this type of interventions is still scarce. Purpose This study introduces a 4-week positive psychology group program specifically designed for ED patients' needs and to present data about feasibility and acceptability. Method Seven female inpatients of an eating disorder service aged from 13 to 38 years old attended the group. Measures of affect and optimistic thinking were taken before the program and after each session. Results The program was very well rated by participants, and there was no attrition. Furthermore, possible benefits were found in terms of optimistic thinking at the end of the group program, and these benefits were noticeable, but non-significant, in the case of affect. Conclusions This study opens the door to conduct larger and controlled studies for testing interventions aimed at promoting positive emotions and well-being in ED populations. Thus, these interventions could support the efficacy of current treatments in order to improve patients' quality of life.

Enrique A:
 Univ Dublin, Trinity Coll, Sch Psychol, Emental Hlth Res Grp, Dublin, Ireland

Breton-Lopez J:
 Univ Jaume 1, Dept Basic Psychol Clin & Psychobiol, Castellon De La Plana, Castellon, Spain

 Inst Salud Carlos III, CIBER Fisiopatol Obesidad & Nutr CIBERobn, Madrid, Spain

Molinari G:
 Univ Jaume 1, Dept Basic Psychol Clin & Psychobiol, Castellon De La Plana, Castellon, Spain

Llorca G:
 Consorcio Hosp Prov Castellon, Psychiat Serv, Castellon De La Plana, Castellon, Spain

Botella C:
 Univ Jaume 1, Dept Basic Psychol Clin & Psychobiol, Castellon De La Plana, Castellon, Spain

 Inst Salud Carlos III, CIBER Fisiopatol Obesidad & Nutr CIBERobn, Madrid, Spain
ISSN: 11244909

Eating and Weight Disorders-Studies on Anorexia Bulimia and Obesity
Springer International Publishing AG, ONE NEW YORK PLAZA, SUITE 4600, NEW YORK, NY, UNITED STATES, Italia
Tipo de documento: Article
Volumen: Número:
WOS Id: 000529572200001
ID de PubMed: 32350775